Monday, May 25, 2015

Another round of planting

We did another round of planting and shifting thing around today. Sadly, I have a cold and it probably wasn't the most intelligent thing to do, but I had the day off and it needed to get done. :)

Tali helped a bit and Shana - also sick - tackled some of the items in the front yard.

We purchased a replacement tomato plant for the lost plant we had and several other additions for the planter box and back side garden.

We have buckwheat planted here and there as filler mulch. I guess the idea is that it grows, then you cut it down to the ground and use it as mulch. We'll see if it works.

We have two types of melons planted.  Uchiki Kuri melons.
And Hokkori

 We're trying to get things in an order so that everything is with it's on type of plant. Lettuces, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes....all with each other. I was thinking that we'd mix them more, but we kept them together for the most part.

Talia really likes helping in moderation. :)  She has a short attention span for this, but manages to enjoy it while she does it.

We did an additional box of strawberries. We're hoping we can get more going this year.

So, this is the current back yard lineup. 

Again, this round of planting is partly experimentation. We'll see what does well where, then repeat the process next year based on our findings.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The front garden

A drawing by my 4 year old.

Me in the garden with flowers.

As I write that, I have misty eyes. :)

The front garden is getting to be a little more tame, which is nice. We went through over the end of last season and the start of this one and did heavy weeding and trimming. I still need to run water tubes from our drip spouts - that'll be a great help with the drought. It's just a matter of running them out, then covering them with dirt. This will make the whole of it look better and might help to prevent what's happening now - them getting ripped up and out every time weeding is done! heh

My 4 year old INSISTS that the red and white flowers below are honeysuckle. I've looked and I can't determine what it is, but don't think it's honeysuckle. :)

Our purple Salvia has new red Salvia to keep it company. No, we won't be ingesting any of it.

The twisted root plant (center below) is a image of it's former self, but is actually struggling back with more and more leaves and flowers! Whew! I'm happy about this - I really liked it and was sad to see it hacked up. It's fun to see it come back like this.

Talia's little red and yellow plant pot is booming.

Little buggies - possibly grasshoppers? No idea. They love the roses. There are not many, so I let them hang around.

This plant that Seneca is taking care of here was transplanted from the front. It was getting too much sun up there and has a bit more shade now that it's part of Talia and Seneca's Fairy Garden! :) Must be the fairies taking care of it. :)