Saturday, June 20, 2015

Oaktown Oasis Gardens June 19th video update

I shot a quick little video update with the iPhone the other day. Just wanted to get some video footage of the garden at this state.  It's shaping up well!

There are a few items I need to address - little things like tomato cages, shade for the lettuces and something for the beans to climb on, but overall I'm happy with how things are progressing.

OOG June19 videoUpdate VIMEO from Malcolm Johnson on Vimeo.



Thursday, June 4, 2015

Forgotten flora


I had planted some flowers in the front area and they were totally forgotten after I planted them!
Seeing as I have not made time to run drip hoses to all the plants in the front yet, they were missed for a few waterings.

It's been somewhat cloudy and it's rained a few times, but they are looking pretty bad.

Chalking it up to: Lessons Learned.   :(