Friday, June 16, 2017

Wild times at the Oasis post rain

Some old BEFORE shots of the garden after this winters heavy rainfall.

Nothing this little baby couldn't handle! hehehehe   I love this thing!

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Back Garden Update: I have some work to do

I did a small garden video earlier this AM after watering. Things are looking good for the most part, but I have some weeding to address. ALL the time. hehehe

I also see that the plum tree in the back is in full swing which means more sweeping, cutting the area around it WAY down - like to the dirt, and staying on the picking up and dumping of the plums that fall off the tree. All it takes is ONE TIME of not doing these steps and dealing with the TONS of gross little nats and bugs that swarm on the stinking and rotting plums to burn the need for clean up in ones memory! ::::shiver::