Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6th Update

Well, we survived the 4th here in the East Bay - where people love to shoot off fireworks the whole week of the 4th and beyond. Clocks be damned! We need to shoot off explosions at 3am!  :)

The garden is coming along, though it's starting to go a bit sparse and dry in areas. We've lost our garlic and the kale is slowing down it's production. One of our tomatoes is fantastic and thriving while the other is still limping along.

I think our plan for next year is to clump more of our veggies together - doing away with all the rules of planting on the back of the package. We visited a cousin recently and she was "clumping" and her garden looked lush and alive. We'll give that a shot.

I also want to try out strawberry gutter growing. We'll get some gutters, build a structure to support them, then plan the strawberries in the gutters so they hang over the sides. It looks amazing and will keep the strawberries off the ground and out of the dirt.

Our apples are growing. We have a ton of 'em and it looks like our battle against our little apple eaters is working out. FAR less apple damage this year. Not as many black spots on them.

Our main garden is slowing down with many of our items ending their cycles for now.

Our plums are being snagged from the tree more often, but there are still so many that the deck is littered with them - squished and lost, sadly. I was thinking that a few nets hung under the tree might be fun. 

July 4th was great in the back this year. Had a few folks over and grilled up various forms of hot dogs and brats. Its a lovely space for meet ups and just hanging out in the sun.

I'd like to devote more hours to the garden. I need to research planting schedules to see when we can start a second round of veggies. I'd like to pack some more into the space.


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