Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May - The 2016 Progress

I'm SO BEHIND on this blog it's not even funny, so in the interest of catching up, I'm just going to do a massive image and video dump, then I'll aim for more frequent updates to stay current.

So...with that said....BOOM!

This video was filmed a while back and never uploaded. You can see how huge all the veggies have gotten since!

Ladybugs purchased for aphid removal. All their hard work paid off!


Then there was this mess. A weed whacking trimmer was purchased and it was AMAZING.

Before and after....

The lettuce exploded. A rain/sun combo made the garden thrive.

Then....a little bit later...boom! LETTUCE! 

The new garden box was built and planted up with tomatoes and peas.

And the girls, of course....

Our friendly cat neighbor visits frequently! :)

The Fairy Section was started, but fizzled. We're jumping back in soon.

Round one of the fairy house. It's cool because it lights up, but it needs a LOT of detail and tuning work! A LOT.
And, we have a huge ant colony under the bricks in back. They came pouring out one hot day. Maybe a Spring Fling? :)

Strawberries in front...

Apple tree was pruned.  I cut all the dead wood off. It seems much happier!

Clivia in front bloomed, but we lost our lilies.

And lastly, the carrot that hung around since last summer. I thought it was going to be huge based on the leaves, but it was another tiny guy. Sadly, it was left in too long and was more like a root than a carrot. We all spit it out - so gross! hehehehe

The upsides are that the kids LOVE eating out of the garden. They run back to harvest lettuce and kale and eat it up enthusiastically for the most part. Especially with Shana's sweet salad dressing on it! hehehe I love that they get to see the whole process - from planting to eating - right there in our garden.
Last year they liked to watch the tomatoes grow and found the potatoes to be delicious, but they are not big tomato eaters and the potatoes only gave us a few meals worth of food. But we've had many lettuce salads and it's still going strong. That's been our most lucrative crop, really. Shana has not purchased lettuce in weeks.

Looking forward to more progress and relaxation in the garden!


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